Cancer Means Crab
Cancer means Crab is an animated documentary movie made in collaboration with Bibiana Rojas.
The movie gathers real testimonies of different women who have suffered cancer and gives new perspectives on how to think about this disease. We interpreted the audio and images of various interviews using different audiovisual techniques, where we show the healing process and the impact of cancer, not as lethal disease but a way to see life through another's eyes. It was made using different animation techniques with a focus on experimental animation.
Official Selection FECISO Festival 2009
Best Experimental Video, Ojo al Sancocho Festival 2010
Bogotá, Colombia
Directed by : Bibiana Rojas and Laura Anzola
Original Music: Andrés Gualdrón
Graphics Programmer: Juan Carlos Pulido
Sound Post-Production and Mastering: Jefferson Rosas
Animation Assistant: Ángela Orozco, Irene Anzola, Diego Posada
All our love and admiration to: Martha Cecilia Ospina, Claudia Saa, María Teresa Gaitán, Luz Mery Rojas, Ana María Galindo
In collaboration with: AMESE Foundation