Red Earth

Red Earth is a five-year project that combines a graphic novel and theater exploration. It culminated in the world premiere of a new play and the release of an accompanying graphic novel illustrated by GMB Chomichuk. The play features an illustrative aesthetic, with the set transforming into the pages of a graphic novel.

Set in a world on the brink of self-destruction, the audience witnesses humanity's last-ditch effort for survival: three astronauts sent to establish a new life on Mars. Each astronaut has their unique motivations for accepting the mission, but none are prepared for the unforeseen consequences awaiting them on the red planet. The story explores themes of legacy, discovery, and the essence of humanity.

I was responsible for animation and video design.

Recipient of the Winnipeg Theatre Awards Outstanding Design, 2019

May 8 - 18, 2019
One Trunk Theatre Production
Presented at the Prairie Theatre Exchange
Winnipeg, Canada

More Info, Full Credits and Awards: Here